Thursday, May 27, 2010

Erick Swenson

Erick Swenson uses polyurethane resin, polystyrene, MDF (medium density fiberboard), and acrylics to create hyper-realistic sculptures of strangely fantastical creatures. In the two cases below the creatures are dead. The first piece here is particularly fascinating in how the realism serves the fantasy. The deer is clearly decaying, revealing different layers of anatomy. At the core of course is the skeleton, but the skeleton is covered in a scrimshaw of ancient mariner charts. A map. But a map to what? There is no way of knowing of course. Most of it remains hidden in what was once the armature of a supposedly living creature. There is the suggestion that within all life is there is a secret of meaning and direction, but the revelation of that purpose lies in the slow process of death, decay and transformation. Wonderful and mythical stuff.
See more at his gallery's website:

"Ne Plus Ultra" 2010 17" X 72" X 54"

"Ne Plus Ultra" detail

"Ne Plus Ultra" detail

Untitled, 2007 Polyurethane resin, acrylic paint, MDF, polystyrene 30" X 181" X 280"

untitled, detail

untitled, detail

Thanks to the artist Michael McDevitt for bringing this artist to my attention.

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